Apr 9, 2013

What's for Breakfast?

As I was facilitating and watching the Group/thedawgsquad Crush It/workout this AM this thought crossed my mind...What's for breakfast? Maybe I was hungry.  I don't think I was.  I did eat before I got there. You know, I think it was watching the Group expend so much energy and wondering what they had eaten...if anything (it was early- just sayin').  Not saying that in an admonishing way but with concern. Hey, if I came in and worked like they were working with out eating for performance, I'd fall out!!!
So, back to what I was saying...To maximize the effort/energy they are putting out food or better yet fuel for the body needs to be at the forefront of the mind.  Protein pancakes...that's what I though of.  The truth is that we need available carbs to allow for energy production in a workout like this.  Also, the existence of protein kick starts the body into preparing for protein synthesis.  This takes place, most efficiently, within 45 mins of a resistance workout. And finally, the goodness.  It just doesn't get any better than protein pancakes slathered with peanut butter and cinnamon topped with SF syrup.

Thedawgsquad At The Norwich

What's For Breakfast?

Protein Pancakes
2 scoops of van. protein
1/4 cup of oats
1 full egg, 3 egg whites
Water- desired consistency
Topped w/ PB, cinn. & SF syrup

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