Mar 30, 2013

Almost there

Just sayin'...decided last September to try the Open Competition with CrossFit Games.  It has been an eye opening experience.  The experience is not in the workouts or the competition, its in learning about myself, my own thoughts and over confidence.  Speaking to competition.  It is evident, to myself, that I have really missed competing.  So, this has been a good outlet.  This is week 4 of 5 and I'm torn.  It has been very hard but I have grown to enjoy waiting to see what the workout is going to be.  Almost like preparing for a game and the week of getting ready mentally and physically for the event.  It has been hard to find an outlet like this.  So, I am already looking forward to next year...

Here is my last workout...

Mar 25, 2013


Urban Warriors are those who know what it means to; do what it takes in all situations, fiercely walk into the world without apology, be what they are called to be without backing down, be confident in the gifts/talents/abilities that have been given and to the one who gave the gifts/talents/abilities, protect family, still have what it takes, care for others with passion, take risks and trust in the discernment that has been given, live outside and above circumstances knowing that circumstances don't make we handle circumstances does, be loved and to love, know where they come from, and be one who is experienced in the battle of life and are energetically engaged in protecting the character of their community...

...facebook- Im a Urban Warrior. Check out the page and put your thoughts on it.

Mar 24, 2013

Make it HAPPEN

It's been awhile since the last post.  I guess life just happens.  You know we, I, say that a lot. Let's change that thought from falling victim to our circumstances to exemplifying courage and conquering while living through  our circumstances. So, we can choose to happen to life instead of life happening to us.

We have been given all that we need to conquer our circumstances and not becoming a victim.  This doesn't mean that the outcomes we experience change. It just means that we how we view and handle the outcomes differently.

If you are interested in seeing real accountability and discipline shown through the physical check us out on the web at or contact us and come see us in person.


-Every Dawg Day-

Also, check out the youtube video submission for CrossFit Games.  Just seeing how we measure up.
CrossFit Games workout 13.1
CrossFit Games workout 13.2

This Weeks Submission CROSSFIT GAMES WORKOUT 13.3