Jul 2, 2012

Is it the End or the Beginning...

Sitting here today with power outages, business closings, people displaced, etc. shows us how fragile our new technology enveloped lives are.  It's not that it is bad, it is about the recognition of how blessed we are. When we realize how our lives are attached to the technology we live with and see that we still are so blessed even when some of those things are taken.  There are those that live with much less and are able to live their lives in that situation. We have been created to adapt to our circumstances. This means that our existence is not identified by our circumstance. We have been created with so many blessings, physical mental and spiritual, that our existence is completely defined by who we have been created to be. Those blessings or gifts/talents show a true picture of who we really are. So, let's count our blessings even in times of difficult circumstances.

Is it the end of a process, or is it the beginning of the next?  Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do about it? Interesting concept. I want you to think about it and decide what it means for you.  As you are thinking about it, put this context around it...Remember where, in the process that you are in, you started and truly realize what YOU have done and where YOU have come.  YOU did the work and it is time to remember.  If we get our minds wrapped around that then we will keep our eyes forward, moving forward as we go from today into tomorrow.  So, this week Remember and allow that to resonate so that you can make a choice about today and what is next.  We talk about discipline and the fact that when you do something over and over it becomes a part of who you are.  Let this do that in YOUR lives Today.  Let Today be the first day of the rest of your life and take a step from that.  

What YOU have accomplished has and will not go unnoticed but notice it for YOURSELF because YOU did the work.  It is exciting to see YOU moving forward and YOU are.

***Please comment and share your stories of success so others can be blessed by your abilities, your light.***

Take Home: These movements are set up to do from Blog to Blog. So you have a week to do the reps.
1) Preacher Squats 250
2) Alt Lunges 150 each leg
4) Plank  7 minutes
5) Inch Worm Push Ups  75
6) Scissor Crunches 125
7) Sprinter Crunches 125ea 

Richard Goodpasture, CPT Coach and Developer of The Dawg Squad
1 step at a time. Take it!

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