Apr 29, 2013

What to eat???

The question is always, 'what do I eat to build LEAN MUSCLE while BURNING FAT?'.  The attached Meal Structure is based on this Principle.  You'll notice that it lists several supplements. They are not necessary but to maximize the effort spent in the gym, on the field, on the track, etc. they are critical.  I have them listed in the Dawg Store Rx , http://thedawgsquad.blogspot.com/p/the-dawg-store.html . Please comment with your questions. 


Apr 26, 2013

Partner Work Day...

Get a friend and go to the gym. Take the workout attached and work together. For example, the first exercise says BB Deadlift 5/5/5. So, first partner goes and does 5 reps of Barbell Deadlift. His rest is his partner doing 5 reps. And repeat as noted. This one starts slow but creeps up on you near the end!!! Let me know what you think.

Don't forget the supplements page, The Dawg StoreRx, to help maximize your efforts.

You've Got What it Takes!
Lean Muscle...Hard Core!

Apr 23, 2013

KettleBells...Crazy Functional...And I do mean Crazy!

Most of us are on the journey to find ways to efficiently create energy for the body while building a bigger powerhouse to use it... In laymans terms, we want to use fat or burn fat as energy and build muscle for the energy used.  There are many ways to discuss how to do this...nutritionally, physically, mentally and combinations of all three.

(Kettlebell exercise example at the bottom)

But today we are going focus on the physical. Today we are going to talk just a bit about Kettlebells and how crazy they can be.  So simple but yet so variable.

The theme for now is Lean Muscle - Hard Core.

The thing about building muscle tissue is that you have to find ways to break it down first.  There are tons of ways to do that.  I tend to lean, no pun intended, more toward resistent movements that require the use of multiple muscles and muscle groups especially the core of the body.  Obviously, we are talking about Kettlebells.  Kettlebells, not only require multiple muscles and muscle groups including the core. They require compound movements that usually include the hip joint / leg muscles. So they are, by nature, more  functional and more variable and more muscle inclusive.  This adds up to more intense which requires more energy to progress through the entire Kettlebell workout.  More energy needed, if you have trained the body to burn fat (will discuss on a different post), the more fat burned.  Also, the more energy burned (fat burned) the more intense the more muscle breakdown the opportunity to build more lean muscle (also another topic to be discussed at another post).  So, what now...? How to use them? BE CREATIVE!  They are just globs of metal with a handle. You have an opposable thumb so you can grab and throw them around...Take them and combine as many movements in one rep that you possibly can (I know thedawgsquad knows what I'm talking about. They are probably cutting their eyes at me right now)

FOR EXAMPLE: (1 Kettlebell exercise to sink your teeth into)
1) KB (kettlebell) curl / pullover / press away / press away 45
Don't worry you aren't the first one that has asked.  Yes, the slashes mean combine. So, here it is: grab the KB with both hands with the glob on top, curl to the chest, keep arms bent and lift over the head to the back then back to the front in a pullover movement, then press the KB away from the body and back to the chest, then press away from the body at a 45 degree angle like an incline press and back to the body...That's one rep. Repeat 15 times.

Hope you like...if so tell someone...subscribe to the newsletter...go and try it and do it 3 times 15 reps each time.

Apr 14, 2013

Supplements: The DAWG StoreRx

Curious about how to build lean muscle and maximize the effort you are putting out in the gym? 

Want some ideas of what you can add to your nutrition to promote the maximum benefit from your food/fuel and workouts?

Apr 9, 2013

What's for Breakfast?

As I was facilitating and watching the Group/thedawgsquad Crush It/workout this AM this thought crossed my mind...What's for breakfast? Maybe I was hungry.  I don't think I was.  I did eat before I got there. You know, I think it was watching the Group expend so much energy and wondering what they had eaten...if anything (it was early- just sayin').  Not saying that in an admonishing way but with concern. Hey, if I came in and worked like they were working with out eating for performance, I'd fall out!!!
So, back to what I was saying...To maximize the effort/energy they are putting out food or better yet fuel for the body needs to be at the forefront of the mind.  Protein pancakes...that's what I though of.  The truth is that we need available carbs to allow for energy production in a workout like this.  Also, the existence of protein kick starts the body into preparing for protein synthesis.  This takes place, most efficiently, within 45 mins of a resistance workout. And finally, the goodness.  It just doesn't get any better than protein pancakes slathered with peanut butter and cinnamon topped with SF syrup.

Thedawgsquad At The Norwich

What's For Breakfast?

Protein Pancakes
2 scoops of van. protein
1/4 cup of oats
1 full egg, 3 egg whites
Water- desired consistency
Topped w/ PB, cinn. & SF syrup

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